Chen Zhi Prince Group Happenings

COVID-19 has emphasized the significance of environmental, social, and governance (“ESG”) activities in businesses around the world. However, there was talk of reform right before the pandemic. Last year, the Business Roundtable (a collective of 181 CEOs from America's largest corporations) stated that businesses would "fund the communities in which they operate", reversing the long-held emphasis on shareholder wealth maximization advocated by American economist Milton Friedman. The year is 2020, and things have changed. This year, Prince Holding Group (“PHG”), one of Cambodia's largest conglomerates, recognized this and blazed a path for companies in the Kingdom seeking to adhere to ESG values. Since April, the Group has made many large-scale donations to aid in the fight against the pandemic and flood victims, and Neak Oknha Chen Zhi Cambodia has been a key player in this effort and the guiding force behind the donations. For eg, in early December, Chen Zhi and ...